Talks/Conference Papers


Overview of Talks given by Q-GAPS Members


Milk Day 2023, digital meeting, February 22, 2023
New developments in the field of milk
Talk (in German): Coxiella – an Overview
Speaker: Prof. Dr. Martin Runge (Q-GAPS Subproject 1)

10th International Sheep Veterinary Congress 2023, Sevilla, Spain, March 06 - 10, 2023
Talk: Zoonotic risks from small ruminants
Speaker: Dr. Ben Bauer (Q-GAPS Subproject 1)

Informational event due to Q fever outbreak in Amt Neuhaus, Germany, March 8, 2023
Talk: Q-Fieber - Erreger, Verbreitung, Milchprodukte
Speaker: Prof. Dr. Martin Runge (Q-GAPS Subproject1)

Final discussion appearance online: PD. Dr. med habil. Dimitrios Frangoulidis (Q-GAPS Subproject 5)

Abschlussveranstaltung zum Forschungsnetz Zoonotische Infektionskrankheiten, Futurium, Berlin, April 21, 2023
Talk: Von der Zoonose zur Pandemie: Ist Deutschland vorbereitet? Q-Fieber-Ausbruch in Norddeutschland
Speaker: Prof. Dr. Martin Runge (Q-GAPS Subproject 1) on behalf of the Q-GAPS Consortium

31. BÄMI-Frühjahrstagung vom 11. bis 13. Mai 2023, Göttingen und digital, 11.05. - 13. 05.2023
Themenblock: Klinische Mikrobiologie, 12. Mai 2023
Talk: Q fever
Speaker: PD. Dr. med habil. Dimitrios Frangoulidis (Q-GAPS Subproject 5)


SSVS RESEARCH SEMINAR, Sydney School of Veterinary Science, digital meeting, August 28, 2023
Talk: Q fever in Small Ruminants: New pieces to the puzzle
Speaker: Dr. Ben Bauer (Q-GAPS Subproject 1)


Fortbildungsveranstaltung des Verbandes der beamteten und angestellten Tierärzte Niedersachsen e.V. (VbT Niedersachsen e. V.), Verden, November 07, 2023
Talk (in German): The new Q Fever Guideline – Information and recoomended actions
Speaker: apl. Prof. Dr. M. Runge (Q-GAPS Subproject 1)


13th International Conference on Goats, digital meeting, September, 18 - 23, 2022
Talk: Persistent Coxiella burnetii milk shedder in a dairy goat
B.U. Bauer, T.L. Herms, M. Runge, K. Fechner, M. Peters, P. Wohlsein, T. Jensen, M. Ganter
Speaker: Dr. Ben Bauer (Q-GAPS Subproject 1)

40. Jahrestagung der DVG-Fachgruppe AVID, Bad Staffelstein, September 14 - 16, 2022
Talk: Monitoring von Coxiella burnetii-infizierten Milchziegenherden mittels Tankmilchproben und Staubtupfer
B.U. Bauer, C. Schoneberg, T. L. Herms, M. Runge, M. Ganter
Speaker: Prof. Martin Ganter (Q-GAPS Subproject 1)

Tagung der DVG-Fachgruppe Kleine Wiederkäuer und Neuweltkamele, Triesdorf, September 08 - 09, 2022
Talk: Persistierende Coxiella burnetii-Infektion bei einer Milchziege
B.U. Bauer, T.L. Herms, M. Runge, K. Fechner, M. Peters, P. Wohlsein, T. Jensen, M. Ganter
Speaker: Dr. Ben Bauer (Q-GAPS Subproject 1)

23rd Khon Kaen Veterinary Annual International Conference (KVAC) 2022, Thailand, digital, September 02, 2022
Talk: Q fever and Chlamydiosis: Best Practice for control and prevention
B.U. Bauer, M. Ganter
Speaker: Dr. Ben Bauer (Q-GAPS Subproject 1)

11. Leipziger Tierärztekongress, Leipzig, July 07 - 09, 2022
Talk: Q-Fieber bei kleinen Wiederkäuern: Alte Zoonose – neue Erkenntnisse
B.U. Bauer, T. L. Herms, M. Runge, M. Ganter
Speaker: Dr. Ben Bauer (Q-GAPS Subproject 1)

ECSRHM Annual Conference and General Meeting, Stare Jablonki, Poland, May 19. - 22, 2022
Talk: Trends of Coxiella burnetii shedding of dairy goats after vaccination, and contamination of animal facilities
B.U. Bauer, C. Schoneberg, T. L. Herms, M. Runge, M. Ganter
Speaker: Dr. Ben Bauer (Q-GAPS Subproject 1)

XXI Middle European Buiatrics Congress, Stare Jablonki, Poland, May 19. - 22, 2022
Talk: Transmission of Coxiella burnetii among cattle and small ruminants
B. U. Bauer, M. Runge, T. L. Herms, D. Frangoulidis, M. Ganter
Speaker: Dr. Ben Bauer (Q-GAPS Subproject 1)


17th Medical Biodefense Conference, Munich, September 28 - October 01, 2021
Talk: CoxBase: an online platform for epidemiological surveillance, visualization, analysis and typing of Coxiella burnetii genomic sequences
Akinyemi M. Fasemore, Andrea Helbich, Mathias C. Walter, Thomas Dandekar, Gilles Vergnaud, Konrad Förstner and Dimitrios Frangoulidis
Speaker: Akinyemi M. Fasemore (Q-GAPS Subproject 5)

Between Best Practices and Feasibility. ISVA VIRTUAL MEETING 2021, November 23 - 25, 2021, ISVA Communications 1 - Infectious reproductive diseases (Session 1).
Talk: Concept of an Active Surveillance System for Q Fever in German Small Ruminants - Conflicts
Fenja Winter, Clara Schoneberg, Annika Wolf, Ben U. Bauer, T. Louise Prüfer, Silke F. Fischer, Ursula Gerdes, Martin Runge, Martin Ganter, Amely Campe
Speaker: Fenja Winter (Q-GAPS Subproject 2)


6th Joint Conference of the DGHM & VAAM, Leipzig, March 08 - 11, 2020
Talk: "CoxBase" – a unique interactive genotyping database for Q fever (Coxiella burnetii)
Speaker: Priv.-Doz. Dr. med habil. Dimitrios Frangoulidis (Q-GAPS Subproject 5)

BCC2020 (2020 Bioinformatics Community Conference), July 2020, Online
Talk: CoxBase an online platform for epidemiological surveillance, visualization, analysis and typing of Coxiella burnetii genomic sequence
Speaker: Mandela Fasemore (Q-GAPS Subproject 5)


Area meeting of the shepherd association in lower Franconia and the Department for Food, Agriculture and Forestry, Kitzingen, Germany, March 11, 2019
Hotel „Zur schönen Aussicht“, Brückenstr. 8, 97828 Marktheidenfeld
Talk (in German): Q-Fever in sheep: Prevalence, control measures and prophylaxis
Speaker: Dr. Ben Bauer (Q-GAPS Subproject 1)

13th International Symposium on Ticks and Tick-borne Diseases, Weimar, March 28 - 30, 2019
Talk: Development of an in vitro feeding system for ticks as tool to explore the potential transmission routes of Q fever
Körner S, Makert GR, Mertens K, Henning K, Pfeffer M, Ulbert S. (Q-GAPS Subprojects 3 & 9)

11th Stendal Symposium, Training seminar focusing on bovine animal diseases and animal welfare of cattle, Stendal, Germany, April 03 - 05, 2019 
Talk (in German): Q-GAPS: Providing the Public Health Service and Veterinary Services with Useful Information and Material
(Fenja Winter, Amely Campe, University of Veterinary Medicine Hannover, Foundation)
Speaker: Fenja Winter (Q-GAPS Subproject 2)

ECSRHM Annual Conference, Warsaw, May 11, 2019
Talk: Genotyping of Coxiella burnetii originating from small ruminant flocks
Speaker: Dr. Ben Bauer (Q-GAPS Subproject 1)

Graduate School of Life Science Universität Würzburg, Retreat Waldmünchen, May 17 – 19, 2019
Talk: CoxBase: Enhancing the epidemiological assets to understanding Coxiella burnetii
Speaker: MSc Mandela Fasemore (Q-GAPS Subproject 5)

Bayerische Tierärztetage in Nuremberg May 30 - June 2, 2019
Talk: Das Q-Fieber – eine interdisziplinäre Zoonose
Speaker: Priv.-Doz. Dr. med habil. Dimitrios Frangoulidis (Q-GAPS Subproject 5)

Tagung der Deutschen Veterinärmedizinische Gesellschaft (DVG), Fachgruppe Parasitologie und parasitäre Krankheiten, Leipzig, June 17 - 19, 2019
Talk: Development of an in vitro feeding system for ticks as tool to explore the potential transmission routes of Q fever
Körner S, Makert GR, Mertens K, Henning K, Pfeffer M, Ulbert S. (Q-GAPS Teilprojekte 3 & 9)

Tagung der Deutschen Veterinärmedizinische Gesellschaft (DVG), Fachgruppe Parasitologie und parasitäre Krankheiten, Leipzig, June 17 - 19, 2019
Talk: Development of methods for analyzing the vector competence of ticks in the transmission of Coxiella burnetii
Körner S, Makert GR, Mertens K, Henning K, Pfeffer M, Ulbert S. (Q-GAPS Subprojects 3 & 9)

Seminar, Institut für Mikrobiologie der Bundeswehr, Munich, July 11, 2019
Talk: Das schwarze Schaf? Aktuelles zu Q-Fieber in Deutschland
Speaker: Dr. Ben Bauer (Q-GAPS Subproject 1)

DVG-Fachgruppentagung „Krankheiten der kleinen Wiederkäuer“, Insel Riems, September 04 - 06, 2019
Talk 1: Dem Täter auf der Spur: Genotypisierung von Coxiella burnetii aus Herden kleiner Wiederkäuer
Speaker: Dr. Ben Bauer (Q-GAPS Subproject 1) Talk 2: Verlauf der Coxiellose in einer Schafherde nach jährlicher Grundimmunisierung der Zutreter
Speaker: Dr. Ben Bauer (Q-GAPS Subproject 1)

38. Arbeits- und Fortbildungstagung der FG AVID, Schwerpunkt "Bakteriologie", Kloster Banz, September 11 - 13, 2019
Talk: Wie entwickelt sich die Coxiella-burnetii-Ausscheidung nach der Impfung mit COXEVAC? – Erkenntnisse aus Verlaufsuntersuchungen in einem Ziegen-, Schaf- und Rindermischbetrieb
Louise Prüfer et al. (Q-GAPS Subproject 1)

Zoonoses 2019 - International Symposium on Zoonoses Research Hotel Steglitz International, Schloßstr./Albrechtstr. 2, 12165 Berlin, October 16 - 18, 2019
Talk 1: Coxiella burnetii escapes cellular self-defense of infected NK cells
Svea Matthiesen, Stefan Finke, Kati Franzke, Rico Jahnke, Anja Lührmann, Michael Mauermeir, Luca Zaeck & Michael R. Knittler
Speaker: Svea Matthiesen (Q-GAPS Subproject 6)
Talk 2: Evaluation of the vector competence of ticks for Coxiella burnetii using an artificial feeding system
Sophia Körner, Gustavo R. Makert, Katja Mertens-Scholz, Klaus Henning, Martin Pfeffer, Sebastian Ulbert
Speaker: Sophia Körner (Q-GAPS Subproject 9)

Fokus Schaf- und Ziegengesundheit, 4. Fortbildung für Züchter, Halter und Tierärzte, October 25, 2019 Organisator: Schafzuchtverband Berlin-Brandenburg und die Task Force des Landesamtes für Arbeitsschutz, Verbraucherschutz und Gesundheit Brandenburg
Ort: Landesamt für Arbeitsschutz, Verbraucherschutz und Gesundheit, Standort Ruhlsdorf - Haus 4, Dorfstr. 1, 14513 Teltow OT Ruhlsdorf
Talk: Q-Fieber und Q-GAPS – Was gibt es Neues? 
Speaker: Dr. Ben Bauer (Q-GAPS Subproject 1)

Fortbildungsreihe – Erfolgreich in der Milchziegenhaltung, November 13, 2019 Organisator: Bayerische Landesanstalt für Landwirtschaft und Landesverband
Ort: Bayerische Landesanstalt für Landwirtschaft - Forum - Prof.-Dürrwaechter-Platz 5, 85586 Poing – Grub
Talk: Lebensschwache Kitze und Aborte
Speaker: Dr. Ben Bauer (Q-GAPS Subproject 1)


Gastseminar am Friedrich-Loeffler-Institut (FLI), Greifswald - Insel Riems, February 1, 2018
Talk: Immunologische Strategie zur Kontrolle potenzieller Vektoren von Krankheitserregern
Speaker: Makert GR. (Q-GAPS Subproject 9)

Highly virulent agents and their vectors, Komorní Hrádek, Tschech Republic, May 15 -17, 2018
Talk: Project Q-GAPS – The meaning of ticks for the transmission of Coxiella burnetii
Henning K, Mertens K, Körner S, Makert GR, Ulbert S. (Q-GAPS Subprojects 3 & 9)

Science Day 2018, Fraunhofer-Institut für Zelltherapie und Immunologie IZI, Leipzig, June 14, 2018  
Talk: Development of an in vitro feeding system for modelling uptake and distribution of Coxiella burnetii in ticks
Körner S, Makert GR, Mertens K, Henning K, Pfeffer M, Ulbert S. (Q-GAPS Subprojects 3 & 9)

Junior Scientist Symposium 2018, Friedrich-Loeffler-Institut (FLI), Greifswald - Insel Riems, September 24 -26, 2018  
Talk: Development of an in vitro feeding system for modelling uptake and distribution of Coxiella burnetii in ticks
Körner S, Makert GR, Mertens K, Henning K, Pfeffer M, Ulbert S. (Q-GAPS Subprojects 3 & 9)

 5. Jenaer Q-Fieber-Workshop, Friedrich-Loeffler-Institut (FLI), Jena, September 27 - 28, 2018
Talk: Introduction of Q-GAPS project
Speaker: Lührmann Anja (Q-GAPS Subproject 7)

5. Jenaer Q-Fieber-Workshop, Friedrich-Loeffler-Institut (FLI), Jena, September 27 - 28, 2018
Talk: Development of an in vitro feeding system for monitoring of the transmission of Coxiella burnettii by ticks
Körner S, Makert GR, Mertens K, Henning K, Pfeffer M, Ulbert S. (Q-GAPS Subprojects 3 & 9)

5. Jenaer Q-Fieber-Workshop, Friedrich-Loeffler-Institut (FLI), Jena, September 27 - 28, 2018
Talk: Forschungsverbund: Q- GAPS: Vorkommen von Q-Fieber in Herden kleiner Wiederkäuer – Ergebnisse der Prävalenzstudie
Glenz A, Bauer B, Prüfer, TL, Schoneberg, C, Winter, F, Campe A, Runge, M, Ganter, M (Q-GAPS Subprojects 1 & 2)

Workshop on Arthropod-Borne Diseases, Friedrich-Loeffler-Institut (FLI), Greifswald - Insel Riems, November 15 -16, 2018
Talk: Development of an in vitro feeding system for the analysis of the vector capacity of ticks in the transmission of Coxiella burnetii (Q-GAPS Subprojects 3 & 9)
Makert GR, Körner S, Mertens K, Henning K, Pfeffer M, Ulbert S.


Q-Fever Workshop, Friedrich-Loeffler-Institut (FLI), Jena, October 18 - 20, 2017  
Talk: Haben Zecken eine Bedeutung für die Übertragung von Coxiella burnetii? – Vorstellung eines Forschungsprojektes
Henning K, Makert GR, Ulbert S, Mertens K. (Q-GAPS Subprojects 3 & 9)

Workshop on Arthropod-Borne Diseases, Friedrich-Loeffler-Institut Bundesforschungsinstitut für Tiergesundheit, Jena, November 17, 2017
Talk: Project Q-GAPS - The meaning of ticks for the transmission of Coxiella burnetii
Henning K, Makert GR, Ulbert S, Mertens K. (Q-GAPS Subprojects 3 & 9)

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