Which aims does Q-GAPS want to achieve?


Through the collaborative efforts of members of the Q-GAPS consortium we seek to achieve the below objectives

1. Disease Monitoring

Establish a conceptional design for an "active monitoring and surveillance system" (MOSS) for detecting and characterizing Coxiella burnetii in herds of small ruminants". Perform epidemiological, longitudinal, cohort and intervention studies.

2. Q Fever-Management

Improve Q-fever management in public health by considering the aspects of the human medical sector as well as the veterinary sector. Implement interdisciplinary Q-fever guidelines to prevent the transmission of Coxiella burnetii.

3. Disease Control

Establish a web-based information platform for Coxiella burnetii and Q fever as well as an interactive data base to notify health authorities and general public, but also people who are in close contact with small ruminants. Hence, prevent information lag in case of an outbreak.

4. Research

Improve knowledge about the pathogenesis and infection routes of Coxiella burnetii. Analyze the virulence potentials of Coxiella burnetii isolates regarding different host species. Investigate the role of ticks as possible reservoirs and vectors for Coxiella burnetii.

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