Subproject 5


Genomic and internet based analysis of Coxiella burnetii

[From: Annual report 2017, Bundeswehr Institute of Microbiology, PD Dr. Dimitrios Frangoulidis]
Comparative graphic depiction of the corrections in the whole genome of C. burnetii RSA 493


A database with genomic typing data of 300 isolates will be made accessible to the public including all epidemiological and anamnestic information of strains. The database will also include published whole genome sequences to provide a curated standard for all genomic based analyses (epidemiology, transcriptomics, virulence genes, molecular typing). A web-based interface will allow the upload of newly generated genomic data and interactive real-time analyses. Newly produced typing data will be easily included in the database and tools will allow to compare genomic data directly and create maps and suitable phylogenetic trees. The database is part of a general information web page for C. burnetii/Q fever merging all relevant data from diagnostics, identification, epidemiology, therapy, typing and genomic analyses. The network partners will use the bioinformatics and sequence analysis platform for their experiments also to create new genomic data via typing and whole genome sequencing including finishing/completing sequences. Due to the web-based character of the system all data generated is directly accessible and useable for every partner. The platform will also allow to coordinate all projects included in the application (data and result management). Relevant results will be made public to protocol the work of the consortium to the granting organisation and the public to show the benefit for the One Health approach. Consortium partners will use the system to plan, structure and document their projects. The principle objective of the database is to serve also as the basis for an information and knowledge platform to the regional and national/federal Public Health Authorities and stakeholders for Q fever disease monitoring and situation reporting (real-time) identifying Q fever threats as soon as possible.

Principal investigator

Bundeswehr Sanitätsdienst      Bundeswehr Sanitätsdienst 2

Priv.-Doz. Dr. med habil.
Bundeswehr Institute of Microbiology
Neuherbergstr. 11
80937 München

Scientific Assistants

Dr. Andrea Helbich
Bundeswehr Institute of Microbiology
Neuherbergstr. 11
80937 München
Mandela Fasemore (MSc)
ZB MED - Information Centre for Life Sciences
Gleueler Straße 60
50931 Cologne (Köln)
Tel: +49 (0)221 478-78909
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