What is CoxBase?
CoxBase is an online, open, web-based platform and an interactive database focusing on genomic information about Coxiella burnetii and Q fever providing a wide range of applications. CoxBase is intended to offer a single database containing all information for specialists in the field of Q fever/Coxiella burnetii, who for example would like to perform a more sophisticated sequence analysis, as well as to provide an online platform for every user in the field of medicine, veterinary medicine and other disciplines. Especially, the comprehensive and illustrative visualization of sequencing data is crucial for reaching a broad interested audience. Therefore, the Q-GAPS consortium aims to design CoxBase database in such a way that it can be used as a powerful tool in the molecular epidemiologic surveillance and analysis of Q fever.
See publication, Dec 21, 2021:
Fasemore AM, Helbich A, Walter MC, Dandekar T, Vergnaud G, Förstner KU, Frangoulidis D.
Quelle: mSystems. 2021 Dec 21;6(6):e0040321